How to Keep your Carpets Clean: 5 tips for pet owners

As a pet parent, you know that your furry friends leave their mark on your heart and your home Especially here in Minnesota, pets can drag in everything - snow in the winter, mud in the spring, leaves in the fall and grass in the summer. Not to mention that delicious dead animal your cat just laid at your doorstep.

From muddy paw prints on the carpet to scratch marks on furniture, keeping your home clean can be a real challenge. You can maintain a clean and tidy living space while still enjoying the company of your beloved pets. Here are some tips for keeping your carpets and furniture clean and also enjoying life with your pet:

  1. Regular Cleaning: It's important to vacuum your carpets and furniture on a regular basis to prevent pet hair, dirt, and debris from accumulating. This will not only keep your home looking tidy, but it will also help to increase the life of your carpets and furniture.

  2. Spot Cleaning: Accidents happen, and when they do, it's important to clean them up as quickly as possible. Use a pet-safe spot cleaner to treat any stains or messes on your carpets and furniture. Blot the area with a clean cloth and avoid rubbing the stain, as this can make it worse.

  3. Invest in durable materials: When selecting furniture and carpets for your home, consider investing in durable, pet-friendly materials. Materials such as leather and microfiber are easier to clean and more resistant to scratches and stains. Sure, it might cost more, but if you are going to replace the furniture in a few years because it’s ratty and stained, you’ll end up spending much more in the long run. Better to invest in quality up front.

  4. Groom Your Pets: Regular grooming can help to reduce shedding and minimize the amount of pet hair and dander in your home. Brush your pets regularly and consider taking them to a professional groomer for a more thorough cleaning.

  5. Work with a Carpet Cleaner: If you're struggling to keep your carpets clean, consider working with a professional carpet cleaner. They can provide deep cleaning services that will remove stubborn stains and odors, leaving your carpets looking and smelling fresh. I recommend Oxi Fresh of Minneapolis.

Keeping your carpets and furniture clean while living with pets may seem like a challenge, but with a few simple tips and tricks, it's definitely possible. By maintaining a regular cleaning routine, investing in durable materials, and working with professionals when needed, you can enjoy a clean and comfortable home for you and your furry friends.


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Friends Profile: Abe from Oxi Fresh Minneapolis, carpet cleaner